Hello, I'm Sam :) As a music producer I've been working with Ableton live for both recording and making music as well as Live performances. I'm comfortable using Ableton stock plugins but also 3th party plugins such as Fabfilter plugins (Q3, R, L2,...) and making percussive sounds with Serum (or Operator in Ableton). I also do a lot of sounddesign using my prophet 6 or record guitar and make it stand out in the mix. I'm very happy to hear what you like to learn so I can adjust the lessons to exactly what you need! Please tell me what the issues are you're having or what you would like to learn and I'll make sessions at your personal level. For myself, I mainly use Ableton to make electronic (deep house) music with rock influences.

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  • Professeur depuis septembre 2022
  • Numéro de téléphone vérifié.