    Professeur fiable
    Professeur fiable
    Do you want to learn Spanish while having fun? Would you like to focus more on speaking and being able to communicate fluently? To learn a language we need to talk. That’s why my classes are focused on speaking while learning how to use grammar. You will learn how to use grammar as well as vocabulary without having to spend too much time memorizing. The class can be adapted to your needs, you just need to let me know :) you choose the time you want to spend and the price will be adapted. Totally flexible
    Start with me a journey to your best version!!!. -Groups and individual, Personal trainer by Australian fitness institute , diploma in nutrition and Pilates teacher with 4 years of experience. - Nutrition guidelines included I will guide you not only in a better journey for your training but also in the nutrition so you will obtain the best version of yourself. Sports and nutrition cannot go separate and that’s why my sessions covers both. Classes will be different each day and we will focus on your preferences and will adapt depending on your progress and personal, health situations but... always with fun. Healthy lifestyle will be integrated into your life . You can also choose the duration of the lessons , from 30 min express up to 60 min.

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    Réputation Apprentus

    • Professeur depuis octobre 2019