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    Elternberatung - Glückliche Eltern sind nicht perfekt.

    Eltern sein ist wundervoll. Aber auch viel Arbeit. Unsere Gesellschaft stellt an Eltern hohe Ansprüche und Forderungen. Auf social media begegnen uns vor allem glücklich lachende Kinder und entspannte Eltern, die alles im Griff haben.
    Dass das nicht der Realität entspricht, wissen die meisten. Und doch ist der Druck groß, alles richtig zu machen.

    In meiner Beratung haben Sie die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam schwierige Familiensituationen zu reflektieren, neue, zu Ihnen und Ihrer Familie passende Lösungen zu sammeln, und unrealistische Erwartungen zu hinterfragen.


    Cours par webcam

    Info générales

    Age :
    Adultes (18-64 ans)
    Seniors (65+ ans)
    Niveau du Cours :
    Durée :
    60 minutes
    Enseigné en :allemand, anglais


    Ich bin eine Psychologin aus Deutschland mit Schwerpunkt auf klinischer Psychologie und einem Nebenfach in Neuropsychologie. Während meines Studiums habe ich mich hauptsächlich auf kognitive Verhaltenstherapie konzentriert und wo immer möglich mit Kindern, Jugendlichen und ihren Familien gearbeitet.

    Derzeit absolviere ich eine Ausbildung zur Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin mit Schwerpunkt Verhaltenstherapie. Während meiner Tätigkeit in diesem Bereich habe ich Familien durch schwierige Zeiten begleitet, Eltern und Kinder dabei unterstützt, einander besser zu verstehen und effektiver zu kommunizieren. Ich hatte das Privileg, viele wundervollen Menschen kennenzulernen und ihnen dabei zu helfen, die vielen eigenen Stärken zu entdecken.

    Online biete ich keine Psychotherapie an, sondern Beratung. Dennoch stehen mir und damit Ihnen all meine therapeutischen Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen zur Verfügung
    Damit bin ich bestens aufgestellt, Ihnen bei den Herausforderungen zu helfen, denen Sie möglicherweise gegenüberstehen.

    Lassen Sie uns den Weg gemeinsam gehen.


    Bachelor of Science Psychologie: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

    Master of Science Psychologie (Major kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, Minor Neuropsychologie): Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

    Expérience / Qualifications

    - Zertifizierter Trainer für das Elternprogramm "Tuning into Teens"
    - Derzeit in Ausbildung zum Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin
    - Derzeit als Psychotherapeutin in Ausbildung an der Kinder- und Jugendlichenambulanz für Psychotherapie in Marburg tätig
    - Über zehn Jahre Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Kindern und Familien in verschiedenen Kontexten (Spiel und Freizeiten, Bildung, psychiatrische stationäre und ambulante Versorgung)
    This course is aimed at anyone who sometimes feels like everything is getting too much. Perhaps you are sleeping worse, or you are experiencing more back or stomach pain. Perhaps you are more irritable and get into arguments more often, even though you didn't want to. Or you feel exhausted and don't really know why. Stress can have many faces. In this course we will take a closer look at the topic. -Stress tolerance: How do I recognize stress? How can I provide first aid for myself? -Self-Care: What is good for me? How much time do I take for myself? What more do I want in my life? -if necessary, time management: some tricks to have enough time for yourself, plan for procrastination, prioritize The course is divided into three units. However, these can also be helpful individually. If you are particularly interested in one unit, we can set the focus according to your interests.

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    Disponibilité semaine type

    (GMT -04:00) New York
    3  Lundi à 3:00  Mardi à 3:00  Mercredi à 3:00  Jeudi à 3:00  Vendredi à 3:00    
    4  Lundi à 4:00  Mardi à 4:00  Mercredi à 4:00  Jeudi à 4:00  Vendredi à 4:00    
    5  Lundi à 5:00  Mardi à 5:00  Mercredi à 5:00  Jeudi à 5:00  Vendredi à 5:00    
    6  Lundi à 6:00  Mardi à 6:00  Mercredi à 6:00  Jeudi à 6:00  Vendredi à 6:00    
    7  Lundi à 7:00  Mardi à 7:00  Mercredi à 7:00  Jeudi à 7:00  Vendredi à 7:00    
    8  Lundi à 8:00  Mardi à 8:00  Mercredi à 8:00  Jeudi à 8:00  Vendredi à 8:00    
    9  Lundi à 9:00  Mardi à 9:00  Mercredi à 9:00  Jeudi à 9:00  Vendredi à 9:00    
    10  Lundi à 10:00  Mardi à 10:00  Mercredi à 10:00  Jeudi à 10:00  Vendredi à 10:00    
    11  Lundi à 11:00  Mardi à 11:00  Mercredi à 11:00  Jeudi à 11:00  Vendredi à 11:00    
    àpd 104€Cours par webcam

    Garantie Le-Bon-Prof

    Si vous n’êtes pas satisfait de votre premier cours, Apprentus vous trouvera un autre professeur ou vous remboursera le cours.

    Réputation Apprentus

    • Professeur depuis janvier 2024
    • Numéro de téléphone vérifié.
    • Connecté à Google

    Disponibilité semaine type

    (GMT -04:00) New York
    3  Lundi à 3:00  Mardi à 3:00  Mercredi à 3:00  Jeudi à 3:00  Vendredi à 3:00    
    4  Lundi à 4:00  Mardi à 4:00  Mercredi à 4:00  Jeudi à 4:00  Vendredi à 4:00    
    5  Lundi à 5:00  Mardi à 5:00  Mercredi à 5:00  Jeudi à 5:00  Vendredi à 5:00    
    6  Lundi à 6:00  Mardi à 6:00  Mercredi à 6:00  Jeudi à 6:00  Vendredi à 6:00    
    7  Lundi à 7:00  Mardi à 7:00  Mercredi à 7:00  Jeudi à 7:00  Vendredi à 7:00    
    8  Lundi à 8:00  Mardi à 8:00  Mercredi à 8:00  Jeudi à 8:00  Vendredi à 8:00    
    9  Lundi à 9:00  Mardi à 9:00  Mercredi à 9:00  Jeudi à 9:00  Vendredi à 9:00    
    10  Lundi à 10:00  Mardi à 10:00  Mercredi à 10:00  Jeudi à 10:00  Vendredi à 10:00    
    11  Lundi à 11:00  Mardi à 11:00  Mercredi à 11:00  Jeudi à 11:00  Vendredi à 11:00    
    àpd 104€Cours par webcam

    Garantie Le-Bon-Prof

    Si vous n’êtes pas satisfait de votre premier cours, Apprentus vous trouvera un autre professeur ou vous remboursera le cours.

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    ► Learn to know your intimate and sexual desires, deepen them, assume them and perceive their meaning, while being aware of your own limits and those of your partner, understand your blockages in order to overcome them, take advantage of the approach socio-cognitive of sexual desire, better integrate the functioning of one's partner, integrate tools / techniques / methods / know-how / key phrases to take pleasure while leaving it to spontaneity & naturalness, improve the link between affectivity and sexual intimacy but also communication with your partner, play (...): these are examples of the objectives of these personalized sessions, in order to ultimately improve your intimate and sexual satisfaction, accompanied by a mediator specialized. ➤ Together, step by step, it's about getting to know each other better (through your past experience, what you like or appreciate the least about yourself / about the other), by analyzing situations in a thorough and pragmatic way. Indeed, this step is essential in order not to orient towards / "tackle" a pre-established model, but to adapt to each situation. ➤ In parallel, from the first session, once the key points are better understood / assimilated, and the objectives gradually defined, tackle, based on your daily life / your experience, the art of sexuality and its subtleties, while valuing the complexity of sexuality and not its complications. ► My mission: to help you understand, analyze, discover and discover yourself to better enjoy yourself, while gaining self-confidence & acting in order to no longer be limited by your beliefs. ➤ If the discretion and confidentiality of the coach are essential, it is therefore a question of offering a tailor-made program / training, following an initial 'diagnosis'. ► These sessions can, for example, deal with how to regain confidence and make you reconnect with a complex but not complicated, subtle but not tangled sexuality, in short fulfilled while understanding the key elements of your own psychology and that of your partner (... ). But also how to strengthen your sexual charisma to unlock your potential and take pleasure. ➤ Objective here again: to introduce concrete techniques / methods which make it possible to communicate easily, in a fluid, efficient and always natural way, while mastering situations. ➤ Non-verbal language, sexualization and avoidance of the friend zone (...): the objective being to demystify these themes in theory and in practice. ➤ Coaching is based on precise questioning techniques, helping the person being supported to find a solution to a problem. At the end of each session, the coachee will master new ways of thinking, actions to accomplish and will have better motivation. Depending on the clients' expectations, the coach can suggest other approaches. ➤ So what do the first individual coaching sessions look like? First, a first exploratory contact during which your expectations are examined, the nature of the request and the context are evaluated, a 'diagnosis' is discussed, taking into account your difficulties, your needs, your objective. Then, it is a question of developing a precise procedure and proposing lines of work. A relationship of trust is gradually established through a benevolent alchemy, where listening, empathy and the absence of judgment are central. ➤ Thus, after having carried out together an initial assessment of the situation, a kind of inventory, it is a question of determining the objectives to be reached, the feelings and the questions related to the situation as well as proposing actions to achieve your goal, resolve constraining situations that stand in your way, using tools that will be offered to you according to your situation to get out of your comfort zone and change your perspective. ➤ The guide then asks questions aimed at exploring solutions aimed at achieving the objective, through experiments and exercises. Through various tools (drawing, role playing, metaphor, visualization, etc.), this questioning helps to change perspective, get out of an impasse in order to explore various options that you might not have thought of. this way, based on tools and experience. For example, it could be a new way of thinking about difficulties or another approach to identifying and considering resolving conflicts or a progression in terms of personal development or in terms of a career focusing always on the development of personal resources and self-knowledge. At the start of the next meeting, the coachee begins with a summary of the activations and the evolution of the state from the last meeting. This step makes it possible to have an evaluation of the positive points and those which are less so in order to readjust the set strategy. ➤ Concretely, ONE SESSION = SOLUTIONS / proposals / concrete suggestions to put into practice for the next session in order to overcome blockages or improve self-knowledge. Note that during the videoconference session, all the notes are transcribed in the chat so that you can access them at any time when you wish. THE COACH Trained at the Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League University in the United States, our teacher trainer has specialized and worked for more than 18 years, in Europe and North America, in the field, in renowned international public and private establishments, regularly participating in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support, with pedagogy and careful methodology as key words, all anchored in a peaceful moment. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.

    ➤Choose the appropriate mediator to carry out quality work and help each other move forward/overcome certain mechanisms. An awareness necessary for change will then make it possible to be part of a new dynamic of life, to calm down and to use all its potential in the emotional/family/professional domains. ➤ Self-exploration in order to free oneself from emotion through speech and action / application, involves questioning oneself, analyzing, taking distance, and understanding the issues / points causing suffering or distress, before finally freeing oneself from them. This is intended to promote significant changes in cognitive, emotional or behavioral functioning. ➤This methodological approach, halfway between first practical behavioral coaching in an 'Anglo-Saxon' style and then psychoanalysis accompanied by a dedicated specialized psychoanalyst psycho-practitioner, is based precisely on precise questioning techniques, offering help in finding solutions, mastering new ways of envisaging/dealing with/perceiving difficulties, then implementing actions to be carried out. Combining the advantages of the two approaches and choosing the appropriate mediator to carry out quality work and help each other move forward/overcome certain mechanisms, will therefore induce the awareness necessary for this decided change, towards a new dynamic. ➤Objective? Understand the mechanisms of induced thought & emotion, linked to given everyday situations and which involve blockages. Then act concretely thanks to pragmatic techniques / methodological approaches from coaching, adapted to your situation to regain power over your life. ➤To lead this change & realize these aspirations, a cohort of concrete tools are at our disposal, but which involve deepening self-exploration. To question yourself, analyze, take some distance & understand the issues / problematic points, before finally freeing yourself from them through action. ➤Examples of themes/problems regularly dealt with & which are the subject of dedicated specialized support, adapted to your plan: •Self-confidence, self-esteem/assertion, shyness, decision-making, personal development •Management of emotions & suffering expressed in the form of anxieties, depressive disorders, embarrassments, addictions, relationship difficulties, phobia, stress, anger, anxiety, negative thoughts, panic, depression but also modification of behaviors harmful to good -being (post-traumatic stress, injuries, dependencies, addictions, etc.) • Disorders of school/professional relations (tensions, (re)orientation, pressures & conflicts) Program and personal (family, romantic, friendly, emotional) & social (loneliness, communication difficulties generating pain/frustration) • Problem of concentration, procrastination, organization, professional efficiency, time management •Management of a past trauma of which you are the victim (...) ➤At the start, it is always a question of knowing the triggers that led you to get support and knowing what you hope to accomplish with this follow-up. ➤With specific techniques that have proven themselves & adapted to your case and through a methodological approach and pragmatic tools, the purpose involves on the one hand an exploration of oneself through psychoanalytic tools and on the other hand concrete actions, as is the essence of coaching which bears fruit from the first sessions, by making you autonomous. ➤Influenced by cognitive & behavioral therapies, by Anglo-Saxon coaching instruments & the European methodology of applied psychoanalysis, the approach therefore aims to seek links between current difficulties and past experiences, including repressed and unresolved conflicts and to confront difficulties that may be partially related to inappropriate thoughts or behaviors learned/adopted often in spite of oneself. ➤And if cookie-cutter advice is precisely not offered, that you will never be judged or directed but heard and guided, in a process of permanent/interactive co-construction...it is precisely because it is important beforehand to analyze together, to become aware, to study jointly, to deepen, to decode your blockages & your initial problem to clarify your aspirations. ➤ So, how does a session take place? After an initial inventory, 'diagnostic'/exploratory contact during which your expectations are examined, your problem, your blockages, your needs and objectives identified, it is a question of analyzing them together then changing perspective/approach, considering 'the impasse' differently, think differently about the difficulties, gradually get out of your comfort zone thanks to a series of pragmatic suggestions/reflections/actions to be applied, according to a line of work defined together, anchored in a relationship of benevolent trust. ➤ So, to develop coherent solutions in a living, authentic and assertive life, inspired by our intuition and elements of positive psychology, this individual support helps to: - create a clear picture of your desired future and your individual journey - activate your unique resources and strengths - transform inner insecurity into confidence in order to focus your inner power - broaden your scope - use your gifts to co-create the transition to a vital and vital way of life in harmony with nature. Concretely, a SESSION = REFLECTION + SOLUTIONS, with a readjusted strategy if necessary. ➤ THE COACH PSYCHOANALYST PSYCHOPRACTITIONER Trained at the Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League University in the United States, our psycho-practitioner psychoanalyst has specialized and worked for more than 15 years, in Europe and North America, in the field , in renowned public and private international establishments, regularly participating in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ First contact on the site. ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.

    Coaching séance bien-être en hypnose, naturopathie et EMDR
    Cours de coaching pour améliorer la confiance en soi, gérer du stress et des émotions, améliorer ses performances et donc réussir un examen, réésuilibrage alimentaire, etc L'heure se découpe en 2 parties : - 1ère partie : définition de l'objectif du jour - 2ème partie : séance d'hypnose à distance pour un changement rapide et durable

    Dance & Therapy session | Transcendental Embodiment
    Are you seeking for a creative and uplifting way to consciously reconnect with yourself ? Transcendental Embodiment is a dance practice that will guide you to embrace your emotions and help you to reach your true authentic self. Through meditative dances, guided imageries, and energy healing modalities. I am here to support and guide you in your process of discovering your inner power through: - chakras alignment, guided meditation, breathing exercises - self-expression & subjective experience through dance - expanding your heart space, emotional awareness, and healing in movement and dance - release of stress, judgment, and trapped emotions - grounding, self-care, resilience - and more... The sessions are tailored to the specific needs and capabilities of each individual. *Dance can be a practice of introspection, transformation, and transcendence of one’s subjective experiences into a worldwide journey. * As a professional dancer, teacher, and performance maker I am introspectively processing each working day in consciousness, listening to my upcoming emotions, triggers, or anxiety when it comes to be physically and mentally performative in a team, or as a freelance artist. Instead of suppressing these emotions and creating energetical and mental blockages (that can end up into somatic pains or burn-out): we should pay more attention to these inner warning messages and strengthen our emotional intelligence to be able to cope with the infinitesimal external stimulus and daily-stress of our very fast lives. It can be challenging to sense with clarity what is the origin of some feelings of frustration, unsatisfaction, discomfort, or grief, and it can be intimidating or discouraging to walk alone on that path. This class helps you to commit to your better-being, presence to oneself countering wellness procrastination. * What do you need to feel lighter, brighter, or happier in your everyday life? * * What is your self-achievement potentiality? * - For who? : For anyone who enjoys movement and dance, and desires a better connection and understanding with their moving bodies. / ​One-to-one or group sessions. - ​Where? : Online via SKYPE or at the student's location. Values: Integrity, Transparency, Respect, Cooperation * About TE : Transcendental Embodiment (TE) is the result of three years of research and development. Merging from a movement philosophy research entitled Behind & Beyond, to its phenomenological understanding. The metaphysical unity of the tangible and intangible bodies expounds on the undeniable relationships between those in the physical realm. The tangible body (the material vehicle), the intangibles bodies (psychological, emotional, energetical, and spiritual). As a dance healing practice, guiding the practitioner to conscious corporeality, and subjective emotional understanding, this methodology can also be a useful tool to improve artistry and technical skills on a deeper level, widening mindful creativity, awareness, empathy, and sensitivity. (TE) movement and dance methodology combines a meditative approach in stillness and through movement, awakening the mind, spreading the awareness into different body parts; putting a specific emphasis on improvisation skills, and musicality, following energy impulses and intuitive movement and increasing the flow of energy. Inviting the practitioners to practice resilience, non-self definition, non-judgment, self-care and self-love, integrity, and acceptance to overcome technical, physical, and mental limits holding the practitioner from his self-achievement potentiality. This approach builds itself crescendo on subjective movement reflexivity and introspective journey through the following process: ​ * The four steps: Being | Investigation | Exploration | Dedication Unconscious - Subconscious - Conscious - Transcendental Consciousness Feel free to contact me for any inquiries. Tiffany

    English, French and psychology courses at all levels
    After evaluating the levels and objectives of each student, I will put in place a plan with the objectives to be achieved at each session. I have a Bachelor's degree in English and pedagogy/psychology, so I have sufficient knowledge to give support courses up to Bachelor's level.

    Sociology, psychology and pedagogy courses.
    Hello, I am here to offer my help in preparing for the final exams in sociology, psychology and pedagogy, especially for the GSO sections. By working together, we will be able to consolidate your knowledge, revisit important concepts and develop an effective strategy to pass your exams. Do not hesitate to contact me for personalized courses that meet your specific needs and will allow you to best prepare for your final exams.

    Doctor in cognitive psychology and statistician helps you in writing your research dissertation and internship report
    Doctor in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, with a Master 2 in Biology and a Master 2 Pro in Science Communication, I teach my courses on scientific methodology and help writing research papers / TER / thesis manuscripts / internship reports. I intervene indeed on each stage of writing the manuscript by scrupulously respecting the guidelines, editorial requirements, and drafting standards (APA standards in psychology in particular). My courses and proofreading / corrections are aimed at a wide range of university courses (students from a curriculum in psychology, neuroscience, biology, sociology, medicine, international trade, marketing etc.). In the framework of doctoral or post-doctoral research projects or of Master thesis (1 and 2), I also propose an aid to the writing of research memory in the format (or not) of scientific articles published in scientific journals international. My classes are customized to better meet the expectations of each student. I also offer help in the statistical analysis of experimental data, with a rigorous methodology adapted to your research project. For statistical help, I usually use specific professional software (Minitab type, SPSS, Statistica, Jamovi, Jasp etc.), to conduct the most rigorous statistical analysis of experimental data. Teaching method: identification of needs and problems, identification of gaps in manuscript writing, participation in scientific reflection, suggestion of innovative methodological tools adapted to the scientific process, optimization of bibliographic research with tools adapted thematic research, coaching & confidence building, specific teaching tools, student involvement, rigorous follow-up, leading advice and recommendations. From my training in psychology, I take into account this essential component during my courses to adapt to the student, identify its shortcomings and thus propose an effective methodology to optimize its memo (written and or at the oral defense). My teaching method emphasizes the interaction between the student and the teacher with a methodology fully adapted to the student's needs and aptitudes. Course flow I also offer coaching for the preparation of exams, orals with powerpoint support and help with resume writing, cover letters etc. Other places of education: CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Strasbourg, ESSEC Business School, IONIS UP, ISTH, University of Paris 8 and European School of Advanced Studies in Paris, Institut Tocqueville in Paris.

    Cours Psychologie (toutes spécialités de la psychologie possibles)
    Je peux enseigner tous les cours que l'on étudie dans un parcours de psychologie. J'ai suivi une licence de psychologie généraliste (. Je me suis ensuite spécialisée en mater de psychologie sociale et du travail. J'ai obtenu de bons résultats dans toutes les matières. Je peux donc enseigner la psychologie cognitive, développementale, la psychopathologie, la psychanalyse, psychologie positive, la psychologie sociale et du travail, les méthodes d'entretiens et d'observations, les statistiques appliquées à la psychologie, l'analyse qualitative et quantitative, la psychométrie, les neurosciences etc...

    Interpersonal Relationships Couples - Emotional, Social, Sexual, Civic Education !
    I follow Love Tantric thinking, understanding sexual energy as the engine for many moments to increase consciousness. I apply methods expressed and developed by the universe of Osho, Tantra and Yoga. I believe in spirituality not as a religion but as a state of ancestral wisdom, even if sometimes represented in an abstract way. My methodology offers a panoply of multidisciplinary subjects: sociology, social sciences, communication, tantric psychotherapy, art and yoga/tantra therapy. Theoretical-Practical Classes. KEY WORDS: Tantra, Consciousness, Methodology, Spirituality and Theoretical-Practical.

    Philosophy and practice of the New Family Constellations
    Specialist in New Family Constellations by INSCONSFA offers experiential classes on the philosophy and tools of New Family Constellations. This course will allow you to know the systemic origin of what happens to us in life, how our family system and its past determine our destiny and current life, and the way to resolve the difficulties that arise, which are nothing more than called of our family system so that we release things from the past and be more present and in life, enjoying what we have. We will see that our destiny changes and lightens as we heal those traumas of the past, integrating the excluded, living from unconditional love for everyone and everything, respecting the hierarchy, that is, our elders and those who have the most important function for the survival of the system or group, of the family, and respecting the force of giving and receiving. During the different sessions - which you yourself decide to take, at your own pace - we will learn and experience the forces of love (orders of love, as Bert Hellinger called them), and the deep dynamics that affect issues such as communication. with our guide, physical health, abundance, work, mental health, parents and children, etc.

    Emotional Intelligence Coaching Session - Let's become our Best Version and Achieve our Dreams
    There are times in our lives when we feel stuck, out of place, sad. Moments where we perceive that we need and want a change within our existence, because the present that we are living does not satisfy us and makes us feel uncomfortable. So we have ideas, desires, dreams that would allow us to get away from this reality that we don't like, we can't stand it and it makes us feel unhappy, but we lack the courage to make a decision and the fear of leaving our comfort zone doesn't allow us to go beyond, where happiness awaits us. So we end up in contexts and situations that create suffering for us, just because they became our little world, our bubble, where we feel protected and defended, but from where we want to flee the furthest away. possible. Situations like these that make us sad can be several: staying in toxic relationships (partners, family, friends, work); not knowing how to say no; not being able to set limits; difficulty living in the present; fear of leaving the comfort zone; inability to follow our dreams and goals; a shyness that prevents us from being ourselves. All this and much more prevents us from achieving happiness, being the best version of ourselves and making our dreams come true. How can we achieve all this? Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicola, I am a certified Psychologist, Mental Coach and Emotional Coach. I strongly believe that Coaching is a very powerful tool, with which a person can be accompanied to achieve their desires and turn their objectives and goals into reality. We all have the right to be happy; we all have the right to fulfill our dreams; We all deserve to find again the capacities and abilities that live within us, and that have remained silent since we were children, but that want to burn like a flame that wants to reach the sky. So, we begin to transform and I have... In I want; we erase the false beliefs that do not allow us to flourish; let's put ourselves first in our lives; We do not listen to criticism or the opinions of others, but our own intuition; And last, but not least, let's love each other very, very much, because we are the most important person in our lives. I would love to be able to accompany you on this journey of growth, and to be able to offer you a safe and protected space, where you could freely express your emotions and feelings, without feeling judged and hurt. A space where you could perceive empathy and active listening and achieve your goals and objectives, leaving aside the part of you that is not allowing it to do so and thus acquire new learning and above all get in touch with the part of your personality that from time, ask to emerge. Because starting is already being halfway there and it is beyond fear that we can find happiness.

    Formatrice occasionnelle depuis 7 ans, jury au Diplôme d'Etat d'Assistant de service social et directrice de mémoire je vous propose mon accompagnement dans vos divers travaux. - cours politiques sociales - rédaction écrits professionnels - Dossier pratiques professionnelles - Synthèse - direction de mémoire Je peux également vous accompagner dans vos réflexions sur le fond (éthique, analyse, positionnement professionnel, apport d'éléments théoriques....) ainsi que sur la forme (norme, méthodo, correction d'écrits.....)

    Coach de vie, coaching entreprenarial, développement personnel. Suivi sur divers thématiques.Bilan Bien-Être, Cure Minceur et Suivi Sportif.
    Je vous accompagne dans votre travail ou changement de vie. Coach en développement personnel, suivi entrepreneurial ou tout simplement un suivi personnalisé sur un thème donné. Vous êtes stressé, vous souffrez de douleurs récurrentes, vous tombez souvent malade ou bien vous souhaitez simplement découvrir de nouvelles perspectives. Selon vos besoins et vos aspirations, nous pourrons explorer différentes méthodes pour relâcher vos pensées bloquantes, qu’elles soient liées au présent ou à des expériences passées enfouies dans vos cellules. Nous verrons également comment gérer vos émotions pour améliorer votre bien-être et/ou simplement apprendre à apprécier la vie et à vous émerveiller chaque jour. Ce soin sera personnalisé pour vous et sera en parfaite harmonie avec les aspirations de votre âme. En plus d’un soin individuel et de l’apprentissage de diverses méthodes de méditation, de relaxation et de déblocages karmiques, nous : • alignerons vos chakras, • renforcerons vos centres énergétiques, • créerons des protections énergétiques, • débloquerons vos nœuds, • renforcerons votre ancrage. Vous pourrez enregistrer votre séance et la reproduire autant de fois que vous le souhaitez.

    Apprendre à mieux se connaître en travaillant sur votre Développement Personnel
    24 ans d'expérience dans le domaine du conseil, de la formation RH. Certifiée en développement personnel depuis 24 ans Je vous propose mon expertise en développement personnel, orientation et RH J'interviens en bilan de compétences,, bilan d'orientation, développement personnel

    Denisse S
    Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Neuropsychology, Physiology, Psychophysiology, Neurochemistry, Systems and human anatomical and physiological organization.
    Basic Anatomy, Advanced and Specialized Anatomy, Sports Anatomy, Aesthetic Anatomy, Neuropsychology, Medicine, Written Works related to the subject, Monographs, Final Degree Projects, Postgraduate, Master and Phd. Deep knowledge in Neuroanatomy, Neurochemistry, Neuropsychology, Psychophysiology, Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System. Extensive knowledge in Endocrinology Psychopathology and Physiopathology. Study of the relationship between emotions and disease and how to support the therapist and the patient, to promote a health derived from the harmony between daily activities, food and management of the psyche. Anatomy is addressed taking into account the patient's age, physical, emotional, work and social status. Holistic approach to human anatomy. Incidence of Psychology in Health and Illness in the Psychological status of the patient. Classes with pedagogical aids such as images, conceptual maps, description, clinical cases. More than 20 years of experience as a basic, secondary, university, master's and doctoral teacher. Two years of experience teaching online and face-to-face classes. All ages, all conditions (even people with different abilities).